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How ARCUStom came to be...







          Our mission is to simply provide a young and creative way to aid those individuals who suffer from cancer, make the best quality products possible at affordable prices, and maintain exceptional customer service.


Our Story:

          Flipping through the T.V. channels one day, Deion Raney (co-founder), came across a story about a young man who passed away due to a rare bone cancer called osteosarcoma. In hearing of this story, Aïcha El Mahmoudi (co-founder), remembered her grandmother who had also fell victim to this same type of cancer. Aware of the affects this cancer has on many individuals, we each felt inclined to make a difference.

           When thinking about how we could help, we realized that bow ties were a resurfacing fad especially among students on college campuses and business professionals. In finalizing our idea, we decided to create handmade bow ties where a percentage of the proceeds goes to the Children's Cancer Association. 

           This small act was a way that we here at ARCUStom, could give back to our community. You too, can be apart of our efforts, by purchasing a bow tie you help fund cures and other cancer research. Children are the future, give them a fighting chance. Join the cause. Be the change; live the life!




Deion Raney & Aïcha El Mahmoudi

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